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Technical exchange with Xinjiang Oilfield Drilling Technology Research Institute
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 1421 days ago | 2620 Views | Share:

On November 14,2020, our company and Xinjiang Oilfield drilling Technology Research Institute held a discussion meeting on liquid clutch tools in the conference room on the fourth floor of Karamay Hospital District.

This meeting is a long-planned technical exchange meeting of our senior consultant, Lin Sheng, and the western regional manager, Jiang Shiming. It purpose of the meeting is to enable the leaders of the Institute of Engineering and Technology Research (President Song Chaohui, Vice President Yiming, Vice President Ke Xue), the head and related personnel of the Engineering Technology and Marketing Section, the R & D Center, the Design Center, the drilling and completion tools Institute and the South Xinjiang Project Department. China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Karamay campus (Mu summary professor) directional well company leader (Xu Guangfei deputy manager) can more in-depth understanding of the basic principles and structure of hydraulic clutch, advantages and characteristics. First, Lin Sheng fully introduces the basic principle and structure, advantages and characteristics of the HC, and then introduces the use of the tool in North America. After introducing the tool, the relevant leaders put forward the relevant technical questions to the tool, Lin Sheng also did the related answering work, and the Xinjiang Oilfield West drilling Technology Research Institute also expressed interest in HC workers. Successfully completed this technical exchange meeting.



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